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GDOT Announces May 8th Traffic Shift for Hwy 27 Alt / Hwy 29 S Roundabout

Home TrafficRoad Work GDOT Announces May 8th Traffic Shift for Hwy 27 Alt / Hwy 29 S Roundabout

The following announcement was released by the Georgia Department of Transportation.

MORELAND, GA – The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) will perform a traffic shift to the newly constructed roundabout. The project replaced the existing SR 14 intersection. The shift to begin on May 8, 2024

Please use caution while traveling the updated signage and striping. 

Advisory:  Dates may change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are advised to expect delays, exercise caution, and reduce their speed while traveling through work zones. Before heading out, get real-time information on work status and traffic conditions. Call 511, visit 511ga.org, or download the Georgia 511 app. 

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Georgia Department of Transportation plans, constructs and maintains Georgia’s state and federal highways. We’re involved in bridge, waterway, public transit, rail, general aviation, bike and pedestrian programs. And we help local governments maintain their roads. Georgia DOT and its nearly 4,000 employees are committed to delivering a transportation system focused on innovation, safety, sustainability and mobility. The Department’s vision is to boost Georgia’s competitiveness through leadership in transportation.

We’ve reached out to see if there have been any changes in the timing and will update with what we receive.

NCST is a service provided to the community by R41D41 Industries, LLC. When information is power, we believe the information should be in the hands of the community.

R41D41 Industries, LLC
15 Perry Street
Suite 402
Newnan, GA 30263